sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Your Small Web Site Not Ranking Well In Google? Matt Cutts Wants To Know About It.

Don't miss this interesiting post about Matt Cutts' query to webmasters and SEOs to fill out a survey just to know if they (webmasters and SEOs) are thinking their small sites should be better ranked at Google.
It was published on Search Engine Land on August 28th, 2013.

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Google Testing New Feature To Show More Information In Search Results

As title says, Google has a new snippet that you can find at your google searches which shows additional information referred to the website.

You can find a brief explanation with an example (screenshot) at this interesting post published on Search Engine Journal

When is an ad not an ad?

The most I found really interesting about this post this post published on Mobile Marketer was:

Promoted discoveryFinally one of my favorite ad products I am seeing the rise of is the third-party product review in ad units on news sites. It is the “Recommend” articles you see at the bottom of the page.
There are a couple of companies helping facilitate this, notably Outbrain and Mashable’s “lift” product.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

13 Libros gratis sobre Administración y Gestión de empresas

Los siguientes libros que la universidad Jaume I tiene publicados sobre administración y gestión empresarial son gratuitos accediendo al Repositorio UJI:
  • Gestión administrativa
  • Casos prácticos de gestión empresarial
  • Introducción a la gestión de sistemas de información en la empresa
  • Introducción a la contabilidad
  • Contabilidad financiera I
  • Contabilidad financiera I: teoría y ejercicios
  • Dirección financiera de la empresa: financiación, planificación y gestión de activo corriente
  • Estadística. Volumen 1
  • Introducción a la fiscalidad empresarial
  • Base analítica y guía de utilización de los programas de ordenador «basicis-lm» e «islm-oada»
  • Fundamentos de marketing
  • Manual de prácticas de motivaciones y emoción
  • Manual de teorías emocionales y motivacionales (http://repositori.uji.es/xmlui/handle/10234/25185/search)
Puedes descargarlos todos gratuitamente en 1 solo archivo comprimido (40 MB) desde este enlace: Descargar gratis libros de Administración y Gestión de empresas

Google AdWords Testing New Drop-Down Navigation Ad Extension

At this interesting post related to new drop-down Ad extension written on web Philly Marketinglabs we can see a snapshot about this new Google Adwords' extension.

Discover great in-depth articles on Google

New feature in Google Search as you can check in this post about in-depth articles on Official Google Search Blog.

Besides, if you are interested in more information referring to this subject, read this post about how schema.org Improves Value with Google In-Depth Articles that you can find originally on the web Seo Skeptic:

Finally, here is an example of how it looks like thanks to website Search Engine Land.

Bing Says Goodbye To Bing Shopping, Hello Product Search With Rich Captions & Product Ads

As they inform on this interesting post taken from web Search Engine Land :

Today (23/8/13), Bing announced that Bing Shopping is being replaced by Product Search, which simply integrates product results within Bing search results rather than in a separate destination. Unlike Google, Bing also continues to offer both paid and free ways for merchants to have product listings.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

El showrooming se consolida como práctica habitual

Para los que como yo no hubiesen escuchado nunca este anglicismo os informo que el termino showrooming define la práctica de comparar precios con el móvil dentro de la propia tienda según informa la web Puromarketing en este instructivo post que nos habla un poco de esta practica cada vez mas extendida entre los consumidores.

Este post de puromarketing, a su vez, está basado en el estudio "Mobile Audience Insights" realizado por la empresa JiWire.

El que sabe comprar sabe vender

Este interesante post sobre el arte de vender esta basado en el libro

Todos somos vendedores

Vender es un arte al alcance de cualquiera

José Manuel Vega


5 Surprising Facts about Brand Advocates

If you ever listened advocate term used in Social Media world at this interesting web you will learn anything you need to know about.

But if you already knew it you can take a look at his other post from the same web.

How Much Should I Spend on Marketing?

With this interesting article written by Iowa State University you can have an idea about the amount of money you should spend on your business marketing


We already guessed but thanks to this excellent post extracted from Nielsen Web, we can have few statistics that support this thought.

The fact that U.S. consumers spent lot of their online and smartphone time on Social Media, makes that marketers are starting to adjust their ad campaigns and budgets.

According to this survey, advertisers will invest much more money in paid social media advertising (sponsored content, brand graphs and driving likes)

Top 10 social media research studies in the first half of 2013.

Don't miss this interesting post extracted from PR Newswire website about the best studies related to social media research published on first semester of 2013.

Actally, this is just Top 9, and you can help authors of this article to include tenth one giving your opinion, just leaving a comment on their website.

One of comments recommend to read a similar list made by market research firm Nielsen in 2012 State of the Media: The Social Media Report 2012

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

13 UX design practices startups shouldn’t overlook

Amazing post about UX Design published by The Next Web.

Editor de páginas web WYSIWYG

Desde la web de Kompozer podemos descargar este editor de paginas web que es de lo mejorcito en software libre.

Esta aplicación permite a los usuarios sin conocimientos de HTML crear su propia web dándole un toque profesional.